Announcement of the 4th Talk
We would like to forward the following information from the e:Med coordination Office:
seminar on We April 6, 2022, 2 p.m.:
Topic: Multi-scale modelling
Speakers: Lutz Brusch, TU Dresden, Martin Falcke, MDC Berlin
Location: online ZOOM
Meeting-ID: 884 7434 4972; Kenncode: 37783977
Quick dial mobile: +496938079883,,88474344972#,,,,*37783977# Deutschland
The seminar series aims to introduce, discuss and compare different mathematical modeling approaches in the field of disease modeling and is open to PhD and master students, postdocs and group leaders in the modeling field.
Further information: Emed - PG Modeling of Disease Processes (
Organization: Jana Wolf, Sara Checa, e:Med Project Group Modeling of Disease Processes
Abstract of this seminar:
Multi-scale modelling
Biological systems comprise many structural levels represented by molecules, cell organelles, cells, tissues, organs, organisms, populations and ecological levels. Each structural levels has its typical time and length scale from fs and nm on molecular level to km and years on ecological level. Multiscale modelling refers to mathematical models describing dynamics on different structural levels. Here, several structural levels and several scales may be accounted for either by a single equation or by multiple coupled equations each comprising only one scale. We present examples of both approaches.
In the first case, we present reaction diffusion systems for cardiac myocytes taking behaviour of individual ion channels into account and simulating whole cells at the same time. The mathematical problems and methods addressing them will be explained. For the second case, we introduce coupling of processes between intracellular, cellular and tissue scales. Such coupling requires that parameters of model processes on one scale get driven by the dynamical variables of model components at another scale. We demonstrate such model integration across multiple scales in the software framework Morpheus ( and discuss the emergence of complex 'morphodynamic' behaviour that cannot be addressed by simpler models at a single scale.