Foto von Dr. Yanlan Mao

SysBio Vortrag von Dr. Yanlan Mao, MRC Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology, University College London

5. Mai 2022

Wir freuen uns aus den SysBio-Vortrag von Dr. Yanlan Mao am 11. Mai 2022, der Online über Webex stattfindet.

Systems Biology Seminar Series -Online Vortrag über Webex

Dr. Yanlan Mao wird online einen Vortrag in unserer SysBio Seminarreihe halten:

"Coping with mechanical stress: tissue dynamics during development, homeostasis and repair “
Dr. Yanlan Mao
MRC Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology London, UK

Wann? Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2022 von 10.00 -11.00 Uhr.

Online über Webex

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Meeting number (access code): 2732 863 9793 
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Announcement of the talk of Dr. Yanlan Mao, University College London
Announcement of the talk of Dr. Yanlan Mao, University College London

Link to the Announcement of the talk: Dr. Yanlan Mao, University College London

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